Kathon CG

  • Kathon CG

    1.卡松cg也为CMIT/MIT 1.5% cg,异噻唑啉酮1.5% cg。它在世界范围内注册,包括日本。它是安全的,有效的,全球认可的防腐剂冲洗产品。CMIT MIT 1.5 cg适用于较宽的PH值,即使在碱性条件下也能保持优越的稳定性。比普通防腐剂成本低,使用方便,具有优良的理化相容性。3.可广泛应用于乳液、洗发水、护发素、洗衣液、液体洗涤剂、羊毛洗涤剂、洗涤用品、面霜和乳剂。4.作为易于加入化妆品配方的水溶液; And it's typically used at a level of 0.03-0.06%.Add into system in the final step under 50℃.

  • CMIT MIT1.5化妆品防腐剂

    1.个人护理防腐剂是黄色液体。其主要成分为异噻唑酮衍生物,命名为CMIT/MIT 1.5CG,是一种广谱长效杀菌剂,用量低。可以杀死各种细菌,真菌和酵母。2.它是长效杀灭各种细菌、真菌和酵母的防腐剂。适用于广泛的PH值2-9,即使在碱性条件下也能保持优越的稳定性。3.异噻唑啉酮与水可混溶,可在任何工艺中添加,操作方便。4. It's low toxicity, the use of concentration is completely harmless. Non-burning, easy to transport and easy to use. 5. It has good compatibility with various emulsifiers, surfactants and protein components. It has special effects on pseudomycetes, which has been recognized all over the world. 6. Kathon cg is typically used at a level of 0.03-0.06%.Add into system in the final step under 50℃.
